Monday, May 27, 2024

May 26 Squash Pumpkin Sicilian Gourd Beans Green Onions

 Squash in Front- used last years plastic
2 Butternut, 2 Hubbard, 2 Acorn, 2 Pie Pumpkin

Planted Sicilian Gourd in middle of Sugar Snap Peas

planted sweet pepper, by tomatoes

Outside row from west to east
4 gold California wonder (purchased)
Chervena Chuska 119
Candy cane
Red cherry
5 calif wonder regular from seed

Middle row west to east
4 empty
Italian Sweet
Eggplant Black Beauty
Italian Sweett
Eggplant Black Beauty
Jimmy Nardello
Lemon dream 

Planted Beans Bush
used Garlic poly
13 rows 6-7 per row
4 rows Jade 
5 rows Gold Wax 
4 rows Tendergreen 
2 seeds per hole

Planted Onion Plants
2 rows Welsh Onions
5 rows He Shi Ko Japanese Onions

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