Tuesday, February 28, 2006

FEb 06

feb 12/06 seeded Grass from Dartnall Rd
Black eye susan 2 by 809’s
Coleus 801
809- black eye susan
Basil 1204
Hibiscus rose mallow 809 2 pp
Pepper-2pp- 809 3-Firecracker, 3 ornamental, 3 west Indian
Parsley in 4” pot covered with plastic bag

Feb 18/06 schefflera from church put cuttings in bag with rooting hormone
Feb 24/06
Of feb 12/06 coleus is largely up, basil is up, parsley is up, one grass seedling, one hibiscus is up
Seeded 3 types of onion- copra,candy, redwing and leeks,
809- 2pp- 3 brussel sprouts, 3 kale, 3 red cabbage
1204-cilantro 3pp
1204 – hibiscus