Sunday, April 27, 2008

April 26-27/08

April 26th dave Jarvis delivered 6 yd load topsoil to back by composter
APril 27th nice day
- filled up garden boxes with topsoil
- planted lettuce that was sown inside
- sowed romaine lettuce, rapini
- sowed corn at chimney
- planted 3 yews under locust in box (filled with topsoil)
- planted blue rug out front
- trimmed redbud, dead branches
- redbud by Austrian pine has middle with large section no flower buds?
- Sowed sunflower black all around
- Potted a dozen maple seedlings from under locust into 4” pots
- Sowed 1 zuchini in garden box under plastic (may 18 just barely up)
- Grackles making nest- some with eggs

April 23-27/08

April 23 Somewhere in here put figs outside, rosemary outside, some petunias, and arabis, rose of sharon
April 25/08 saved tomato seed from assorted pack from grocery, yellow cherry, red grape, orange cherry, exotic (black).
Dried seed, sowed them on Sunday Apr 27th into 809 2 seed per section approx