Wednesday, August 29, 2012

24 rows small garlic aug 29/12

Taken from volunteers along edge of bush
7" apart
Used measuring stick

July 11/13 grew to a good size- need to be planted by end of August to size up to acceptable harvest size

Small garlic

7 and half rows garlic bulbs that have not split
Partial row of soft necks to separate
7" apart row about 3 ft across formerly chiles under plastic
Added half wheelbarrow of compost
The small cloves came from garlic plants that looked like this before being spliit off.
The cloves with brownish skins do not appear to have had a chance to divide into smaller cloves yet. Will see how they grow for next year.

July 11/13 even small cloves when planted by the end of August will grow to an acceptable harvest size.