Monday, April 17, 2006

April 15-17/2006

April 15/06 warm 17 C. Wore shorts
John says to get chipper started use carbeurator cleaner. Spray into the carberaotr, (take off air filter to access) Alcohol is cold and help burn off carbon
Rosemary trimmed forsythia to take to work
Cut up last of the winter evergreen bouquet and put clippings under telephone pole bed.
Ran rototiller through dead sod and some of the sod from the pipe trench.
Rototilled one row (row 6) of garden, planted Spanish onion sets, planted dutch sets(100 bulb package)
Planted in same row, 1204 of lettuce, 2 kinds, and 809 of sprouts, kale, red cabbage.
Turned over row 2 of garden and balance of row 4. Dug out garlics from garden (all except row 1) planted in locust planter under the area that is under the shader and doesn’t get water.
Seeded ANchusa blue angel in Locust bed along with annual sweet pea (knee high). Left room at end for tomato or other vegetable.
At end of locust planter planted golden swiss chard. Placed glass bee frame and plastic over part of the chard.
In bean bed, planted Linaria Fairy Bouquet in front of yews and in front of the patio stones. Package contains ¼ gram =3,000-4,000 seeds
Looks like some of the new Zealand spinach is growing
From Telephone pole bed, removed birch tree, mulched bed, using some newspaper,
Planted birch by lodense hedge bed.
Seeded sunflowers, some in goutweed, some between mahonia and yucca, by ramp near hicks yew, under some of the trees in front of shed and behind, along the back and side of the shed, some in last year’s corn bed.
Watered seeds, rhubarb,
Bee boxes spinach is just starting to come up, Radish is coming up. No sign of carrots
Root box at back,
Sprayed some roundup on lawn quack grass, some beds, some driveway,
Sprayed killex summer formula on dandelions, clover in lawn, near flagstone, near fence, near white pine.
April 17/06
Trimmed onions
Seed castor beans in black eye susan 809
Fertilized 15-30-15 on seedlings